When starting out in internet or affiliate marketing you may not have much of any money to put into it. That would be ok because you can actually get started for no money at all except for your internet connection.
If you need a website there are a number of sites that give you free access to make your own sites. You can even make an unlimited number if you wish.
One of the big ones is Blogger. One good thing about blogger is they do not put ads on the sites you build. You can add Adsense ads or any other advertising or banners you want. The sites are easy to build with their program, even if you have never built one before. Plenty of tutorials to follow and lots of info online.
Another big one is Squidoo. Squidoo puts ads on the sites yet will share the revenue with you. You can sell items from Amazon using their modules and share revenue this way also. If you have affiliate products you can sell these also and all sales are yours. The sites are easy to build using their module system. Plenty of tutorials and help are available for you.
A quick search for free websites will give you many more choices. Try them all if you like but the two above may give you the most success.